Dog shoes: Are they really worth it?
From $420,000 dog houses to a $1.8 million dollar dog leash, dogs sure have been loved over the years. We will do anything and everything to protec...
How to find the right dog leash for your precious pooch?
Not buying a leash for your dog is like not buying baby clothes for your new baby - it just doesn’t happen. Like buying baby clothes for your new b...
Here Are Some Dog Grooming Tips (Part 2)
Welcome to the second and final instalment of our dog grooming tips series. In this article we’ll be getting down to the nitty gritty details of d...
Here Are Some Dog Grooming Tips (Part 1)
Whether you already have a dog or are about to welcome a new furry friend into the family, it is important to take grooming and bathing care seriou...
Nexgard Spectra: A Review
There are many tick and flea control products readily available on the market. Due to a favourable shift in the temperature, there are lot more fle...
Things To Know Before Buying A Cavoodle
Cavoodles have been heralded Australia’s most popular dog breeds. This is due to their size and the fact that they don’t shed much hair. Although t...
What Dog Breeds do Celebrities Own?
Being the dog of a celebrity must be so hard. Questions like which pool should I swim in today? Which bedroom should I sleep in? What corner of the...
Common Dog Dental Problems
Many times, dog owners complain that their dog’s breath smells. Although at first glance this seems harmless, bad breath may be linked to Periodont...
Top 10 Rarest Dog Breeds
1. Fila Brasileiro
Fila Brasileiro, otherwise known as the Brazilian Mastiff, is a hunting and tracking dog. Although they are aggressive in natur...
How to discipline your dog?
Good dog, bad dog, sit, staay, staay. Discipling your dog requires alot of positive affirmation, empathy and love as screaming (or barking) down th...
The Best Dog Bowls of 2023
Dogs (just like us humans) love feeding time. I read somewhere that dogs actually prefer to have to ‘fight’ for their food. Meaning, they want to s...
What are you saying?: How to understand your dog's body language
As new dog owners, understanding and deciphering our dog’s body language is hard. And rightly so, it’s not as if they can talk. In this article, I ...